The End of Radiation!!! – Sunday September 5th Amos Update #46

Dear Friends and Family,

2015-09-04 09.36.53
This sums up our mood right now!

Amos is now completely finished with his radiation therapy! Praise the Lord! We are so pleased and thankful.

Thank you for your persistent prayer during the course of this treatment. As of today, Amos has been in the hospital for over ten weeks, six of which were radiation. It has been a long and arduous journey, and we are beginning to understand how it will look as we continue on. We had a great end of this week, with lots going on. I’ll begin with the medical aspects.

For starters, Amos has begun to receive “eating therapy,” which is sort of a branch of speech therapy (as I understand it). What he’s begun is a special treatment where he has some sticky electrodes placed under his chin – a “massage” as we call it – which help remind his throat muscles how to swallow. Amos actually got to taste applesauce again this week to help encourage him to work things through himself. It will still be a long while before Amos eats through his mouth, but this is a start that we are thankful for!

Amos' last ride across the street
Amos’ last ride across the street

The few times he received this treatment this week he made strides each time, tolerating more input from the sensors and beginning to undertake swallowing in small steps, which is a good sign. He is handling his own airway better as well, which is an aspect of his trach requirements.

Amos also had a small skin growth at the bottom of his trach. This is a fairly common thing that the human body does to attempt to close the hole in the neck where a trach is placed. While it adds a layer of things that need to be dealt with, the treatment is quite manageable and painless. Pray that no further issues arise with this, and that the growth would be removed easily and not return.

2015-09-04 08.33.29
Amos with his “Last Day” toy, and some of his radiation team

The most significant medical step for Amos, of course, was his last day of radiation! Everyone across the street at St. Joseph’s Cancer Center was wonderful and very excited for Amos. We have grown to love so many of our medical team here, but we’ve especially appreciated the radiation gang. Each morning Amos rides with his “ambulance buddies” across the way, and then meet up with his faithful and caring nurse, Dee. They have been so kind to Amos, and we are so grateful for their expertise. When Amos finished on Friday, he got the special privilege of going into the “Treasure Chest” closet to pick out any toy he wanted.

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Amos in the “Treasure Chest” storage closet

After very little deliberation, he selected the toy firetruck, naturally. Even his EMT guys had gotten Amos a little CHOC bear as a special treat on his last day. How wonderful it is to see so many people caring for our brave little Amos.

Of course, we also had some fun this weekend as well. One of the best parts of Amos’ week was Grandpa Scott getting him a baseball bat and tee set so that he can really wail line drives around the room. Amos is standing very well now and, with a bit of balance assistance, he can swing his bat for quite some time and remarkable accuracy.

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Note the ball in-flight, about to nail the camera

We were also very excited to greet Zazzy and Grandpop (my parents) on Thursday evening. It’s been great fun to have them out here, and I know they’ve loved seeing Amos and helping out with his care for this long weekend to give us and Kelli’s parents a bit of a break. They have also, of course, loved spending a bit of time with Luke at the house.

Fun with Zazzy and Grandpop!

One of the reasons we’re glad for this is that it looks like Amos will be fully discharged as of this Wednesday! As long as everything remains on track, Amos will be ready (and we will have received all the right training and equipment ourselves) to head back to Dana Point for the remainder of our time in California. We are so glad for this, although conscious of the big change it entails.

Please pray:

  • That the skin growth near Amos’ trach is successfully removed and does not return
  • That Amos will continue to respond well to Eating Therapy and re-learn how to swallow quickly
  • That the radiation treatment will have been fully and permanently effective
  • That everything will be in place for discharge to Dana Point on Wednesday
  • That Amos would be more and more aware of how many people at the hospital and at home love him and are caring for him under all circumstances, including the Lord Jesus
  • That, ultimately, Amos would be and remain permanently cancer-free

Thank you, dear friends.

But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Gal. 6:14

In Christ,

Will, Kelli, Amos, and Luke

11 thoughts on “The End of Radiation!!! – Sunday September 5th Amos Update #46

  1. Thanks for letting us know Amos has completed his radiation. The pictures show the joy and excitement. We praise God with you! Melissa Miller has been sending the updates to me.
    Love and prayers,
    Jeanette Shaw


  2. Very happy to hear this wonderful news. Thanks for the message and the beautiful photos. God Bless Amos and the entire family on this next leg of the journey. We will continue to pray. Love Kristine and Bruce


  3. Your closing scripture verses with each update are such a blessing! You all will remain in our prayers always. I’m so glad I met you in Philly! (Brian Hogan’s Mom)


  4. So thrilled for you all!! Cherished our time with you and miss you guys so much already. Our Heavenly Father remains ever faithful to His children and we rejoice with you for your upcoming return to Cambridge.


  5. Thanks so much for the update. It is so encouraging to hear how well Amos is progressing. You all remain in our prayers and we look forward to welcoming Will back to his studies at Tyndale House.

    Simon S.


  6. Hurray! Well done all of you, and thank you Jesus!
    We look forward to having you back at home group in Cambridge- but enjoy the rest of your time in the US


  7. Dear Will, Kelli, Amos, & Lucas,

    Thanks so very much for this good news–the end of radiation and the prospect of going “home”. We rejoice with you all. And the picture of Kelli and Amos is precious.

    May the Lord continue to grant you patience, strength, and perseverance (= strength+patience?) in and through these good changes, and grant to Amos health in full measure: pressed down, heaped up, and overflowing.

    And may you continue to find his mercies new morning by morning.

    Much love from us all to you all,



  8. what joy that Mighty God has brought you thus far….Isaiah 43!! We rejoice with the love you’ve found around you in the midst of suffering. Thank you for the incredible sharing you’ve done for us all. Glory to the Lord Jesus!! Love,Larry and Linda Birley


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