Wednesday September 2nd Amos Update #45

Dear friends and family,

It feels like a week has passed already since our last update. It is incredible to think that Amos has only two radiation treatment sessions left. We are amazed at how these six weeks have gone in so many ways, and we cannot help but acknowledge how God has answered so many of our prayers for Amos.

The most swiftly approaching event on the horizon is Amos’ discharge from the hospital. Due to some logistical matters we had to wait until September 1 to find out when and how discharge would happen, and our medical team hit the ground running yesterday! As we sort out what kinds of equipment Amos will need out of the hospital, and take care of the last few remaining training sessions for Kelli and I to care correctly for Amos, it is looking like we’ll all be in Dana Point again early next week. We are very excited but also a little overwhelmed. As long in coming as it has been, we still feel like the next steps are transpiring hastily. We will keep you updated as things become clearer, but do pray especially that our plans for Amos’ transition to care in Cambridge will develop soon.

We’ve had a fun week with Amos so far, and there is more to come. Amos has had some new fun this week, including playing on a box drum (I’m sure there is a real name for these things) just like the musicians in the streets of Cambridge.

He also got … a haircut! Yes, a very kind volunteer came to the floor and snipped Amos’ shaggy mane. Not much, just enough to get it out of his eyes.

One big highlight was to have our very dear friends from Philadelphia visit Amos yesterday. “Mr. Dave and Miss D” were our downstairs neighbors for three years during our time at Westminster, and they became pseudo-grandparents to Amos (and Luke, although he was born just a few weeks after they moved, and before we moved as well!).

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The next major highlight is to see my parents, Zazzy and Grandpop again. They came out immediately after this all began, but had to return to greet Amos’ very first cousin as she was born in Philadelphia. We are so excited to see them again tomorrow for a long weekend.

A final bit of good news pertains to Amos’ vocal chords. As you know, we have all been praying that they would return to full speed, as part of the reason for his tracheostomy was his lack of ability to use his vocal chords to guard his airway. Well the ENT doctor came and scoped Amos’ throat yesterday and we learned that his vocal chords are working perfectly! Praise the Lord! We are so thankful. Now, Amos still has a ways to go with his speech, since his tongue needs to catch up, but this is a great sign all around.

Please pray;

  • For the full return of Amos’ tongue and throat motor movement so that his trach can come out and he can eat food by mouth.
  • For clarity regarding the transition of care to Cambride and wise timing for our trip back.
  • For strength these last few days of radiation.
  • For full and permanent healing for Amos.

Thank you.

This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. 2 Sam. 22:31

In Christ,

Will, Kelli, Amos, and Luke

9 thoughts on “ Wednesday September 2nd Amos Update #45

  1. So glad to read of Amos’s progress. It has been a great encouragement to read all your posts and to see the ways in which our loving and gracious Father has answered so many prayers and kept you going. The discharge may feel overwhelming, quite understandably, but God will not abandon you now and will keep giving you grace for each day as it comes, like manna in the desert.


  2. So happy to hear all the good news and praying that when the time comes the transition to Cambridge will go smoothly. Your family is at the heart of so many prayers right now God’s love for us remains constant. He’s always there, guiding us through decisions and helping us do the hard things, always restoring in us a sense of hope and peace, no matter what we are facing. God Bless, Aunt Patty


  3. I’m a Newtonite and have followed and prayed for Amos from the beginning. What a journey you have been on, but am praising God for HIS steadfast love, care and presence with you all. My prayers continue during the up-coming transitions. Love, in the name of Jesus!


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